Welcome to The SuperCard® Player 3.5 IncWell SuperCard is the ultimate tool for authoring custom applications, interactive multimedia projects, and web applications. With the SuperCard Player, you can view, navigate, print, or otherwise experience projects that have been created with SuperCard. This Read Me file contains instructions for using SuperCard Player and additional product information about SuperCard. Using The IncWell SuperCard Player You may play projects created with SuperCard in one of two ways: 1) Drag a SuperCard project on top of the SuperCard Player icon in the Finder. 2) Double-click on SuperCard Player to launch the player. Once it is open, it will present an open file dialog box. Locate your project in the open file dialog and click “Open.” Since SuperCard provides developers the capability to deliver projects and applications with completely custom interfaces and functionality, please refer to any special instructions that were provided with the project that you wish to run for information on how to run it. IMPORTANT NOTE: Because SuperCard Player does not have access to any editing tools or to the SharedFile, projects developed to run with the Player need to be able to run independently of those files, just as standalone applications do. Not all publicly available projects will run with the Player without errors; if you encounter a problem running a project with the Player, it is probably due to the fact that the project makes makes use of scripts normally found in the SharedFile. System Requirements SuperCard Player has the following minimum system requirements: • Macintosh with a 68020 or greater processor, including PowerPC. • System 7.0 or greater. • 4 MB of RAM or greater. • Hard disk. Running projects with SuperCard Player may require additional memory, depending upon the project’s usage of 24-bit graphics, QuickTime movies, and sounds. Please refer to the information accompanying the project you are running for project system requirements. Technical Support Since SuperCard provides an authoring environment for developers to create completely custom interfaces and functionality, please contact the project author for Technical Support information on any project that you are running; contact information should be supplied with the project. About IncWell SuperCard 3.5 SuperCard 3.5 is the fastest, most powerful tool for assembling and delivering world-class interactive multimedia content and custom applications. SuperCard has always been the leader for developing multimedia applications on the Macintosh, and it was the first to support native Power Mac applications. Whether it is the hottest new CD-ROM title or a whole new category of application, SuperCard will get you where your imagination wants to go. Features & Benefits • Project Editor — the completely intuitive and integrated editing environment for creating SuperCard projects. • ClickScript — create fully interactive applications with absolutely no SuperTalk scripting using ClickScript. • Internet Authoring — deliver your SuperCard projects over the World Wide Web using Roadster, the high-performance web browser plug-in. • Complete Color Support — including 24-bit color graphics and support for PICT, JPEG, GIF, BMP, and ART-compressed graphics file formats. • Complete integrated QuickTime support — including QuickTime VR. • Scripted hypertext support — easily create non-linear navigation. • Interface support — including windows, paint and draw graphics, buttons, text and list-type fields, and menus. • Sound support — record and play AIFF sound files and sound resources. • Speech Recognition support — easily create voice driven functionality. • Six different animation formats — including QuickTime, PICS, Filmstrips, moving graphics, and visual transition effects. • SuperTalk™ — fully control all aspects of your project using SuperCard’s powerful English-like language. • SuperEdit™ — quickly create and edit project using this separate editing application. • Standalone Applications — turn your projects into double-clickable applications that may be distributed royalty-free. • HyperCard® Compatibility — convert existing HyperCard stacks into SuperCard projects. Distributing Projects SuperCard makes it easy to make your work available for others by providing three options for distributing projects: • using SuperCard Player, • creating standalone applications, and • distributing projects over the Internet using Roadster. SuperCard Player allows you to create projects that may be distributed online or on disk — when file size is important. SuperCard Player is freely distributable (under the terms of the SuperCard Player Electronic End User License Agreement below) and is available to your users in many places, including the Internet, America Online, and more. SuperCard allows you to create double-clickable standalone applications. These applications can include custom icons and documents and may be distributed royalty-free. These applications may be distributed commercially and have the look-and-feel of real, Macintosh applications. Roadster is a high-performance plug-in for the World Wide Web that delivers true multimedia applciation within popular browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Roadster is the first plug-in that lets you scrpt interactivity across the Internet and completely control downloading and caching of media via script. SuperCard Player Electronic End User License Agreement NOTICE TO USER: THIS IS A LEGAL CONTRACT. BY INSTALLING THE SUPERCARD PLAYER ON A COMPUTER SYSTEM, YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply to this agreement. • IncWell means IncWell DMG, Ltd. • Product means the SuperCard Player program and any related materials that may be provided by IncWell, including without limitation any documentation. COPYRIGHT/PROPRIETARY PROTECTION The Product is owned by IncWell or its suppliers and is protected by United States copyright laws and internal treaties. You must treat the Product like any other copyrighted material. This license and your right to use the Product terminate automatically if you violate any part of this agreement. In the event of termination, you must immediately destroy all copies of the Product or return them to IncWell, including copies resident in computer memory. LICENSE GRANT IncWell grants you a non-exclusive license to: 1. Install the Product on either a hard disk, alternative storage device, or file server; 2. Use the Product either locally or via a network; 3. Copy the Product for archival purposes; and 4. Copy and distribute the Product to third parties. All copies of the Product must contain an electronic version of this Agreement and must preserve the proprietary notices included on and in this product. You may not: • Copy or modify all or any portion of the Product or merge it into another program except as expressly authorized herein. You will use your best efforts to prevent any unauthorized coping of the Product; or • Reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or make any attempt to discover the source code of the Product. NO WARRANTY The Product is being delivered to you AS IS and IncWell makes no warranty to its use or performance. INCWELL AND ITS SUPPLIERS DO NOT AND CANNOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OR RESULTS YOU MAY OBTAIN BY USING THE PRODUCT. YOU MUST ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SELECTION OF THE PRODUCT TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED PURPOSES, FOR THE PROPER INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE PRODUCT AND FOR VERIFYING THE RESULTS OBTAINED FORM USE OF THIS PRODUCT. INCWELL DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE PRODUCT WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, THAT THE PRODUCT IS FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PRODUCT WILL BE INTERRUPTION OR ERROR FREE. INCWELL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, OR INFRINGEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHERS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IF THE "NO WARRANTY" PROVISION IS NOT ENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND INCWELL AS ITS SUPPLIERS' ENTIRE LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRODUCT AND/OR THIS LICENSE SHALL BE REFUND OF THE LICENSE FEES RECEIVED BY INCWELL FOR YOUR RIGHT TO USE THIS COPY OF THE PRODUCT. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY A. IN NO EVENT WILL INCWELL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR DOCUMENTATION, THE BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRODUCT, THE PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION AND/OR THIS LICENSE EVEN IF INCWELL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow limitation or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so that above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. B. IN NO EVENT SHALL INCWELL'S TOTAL LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRODUCT, THE PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION, AND/OR THIS LICENSE EXCEED THE LICENSE FEES RECEIVED BY INCWELL FOR YOUR RIGHT TO USE THIS COPY OF THE PRODUCT WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY ARISES FROM ANY CLAIM BASES UPON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT OR OTHERWISE. GENERAL This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and IncWell and supersedes any prior agreement concerning the Product. It shall not be modified except by written agreement dated subsequent to the date of this agreement signed by an authorized IncWell representative. IncWell is not bound by any provision of any purchase order, receipt, acceptance, confirmation, correspondence, or otherwise, unless IncWell specifically agrees to the provision in writing. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS The Product is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Product clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and paragraph (c(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19. The manufacturer is IncWell DMG, Ltd., P.O. Box 6761, Chandler, AZ 85246-6761. Export Laws. You understand that the product may require a license from the U.S. Department of Commerce or other government agency before it may be taken or sent outside the United States. You agree to obtain any required license before taking or send the Product outside the United States. You will not permit the export or re-export of the Product without obtaining required licenses or letter of further assurance. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU FURTHER AGREE THAT IT IS THE COMPLETE AND FINAL STATEMENT OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND INCWELL AND SUPERSEDES ANY PROPOSAL OR PRIOR AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN INCWELL AND YOU RELATING TO THE USE OF THE PRODUCT. If any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable, all others will remain in effect. If any provision of this Agreement is held unenforceable as written, it shall be enforced to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law. This Agreement shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Arizona and the United States, including U. S. copyright laws, and venue in the event of any suit, proceeding or claim shall be in the Courts located in Arizona.